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Not All Is What It Seems
What we see on the outside is not always what is happening on the inside. The struggles we have from within are often a personal pain which we hide. To tell another often leaves us feeling vulnerable.
The 'My Life Of Trails' family has not been immune to this and mental health in part has been the driving force in bringing this website to life.
We hope by sharing both the positive and the personal pains of our journeys that others can relate and see that life's journey can be many things but inspire to be so much more.
'It is the simple things in life that keep life simple'
(My Life Of Trails Family - August 2020)

In the world today, everything moves so fast, is there at your finger tips, on your screen, effort is gone and others can do the organising for you. Yet the feeling that something is missing, a hole in one's soul remains.
In a time gone by, we hunted, gathered, survived by moving. We truly lived by necessity. Yet now confined by choice, by circumstance and by our own reluctance to leave our comfort zones, life becomes restricted, less exciting and just another day.
The 'My Life Of Trails' family have learnt that it is not until you accept the things you can and can not change that you take control of your destiny.
That it is ok, at times to feel sad, to at times be alone and when you need to, lean on someone.
Get to know and challenge yourself but watch and learn from others. Own your mistakes and achievements, these are life's lessons.
Only when you accept who you are can you truly be yourself and begin the journey to find what it is that makes you whole.
Heading 6

As we pass through each town, city or remote location on our journeys, we hope to cross paths with at least one child, person or family and bring light to their day.

At a moment in time, many of us are limited in our capacity to move freely.
Our purpose is to take you with us for a while, to where the world we travel, is yours to experience.

For the 'My Life Of Trails' Family, travelling the country side helps us maintain good mental health.
But there is something to be said about bringing a smile to the face of another person.
The warmth that it brings inside oneself is truly amazing and a feeling that should be shared with others.

As we travel the roads and trails of Tasmania, the echo of hooves can be heard in the morning or the silhouette of horse and rider seen in the sunset.
And when the opportunity arises, we will travel the trails country wide.
If you wish to see us pass through your hometown, we would love to hear from you.
And when the trail passes your way, we would like to drop by and make your day.